Subsetting 111001001 all features

In this notebook, we're specifically working on the dataset formed by dropping (31, 496, 524, 917, 1299) with all features.

We note that houses with a basement or garage have additional features, which might improve the regression. We will explore the best way to exploit this by considering subsets of the data.

In [1]:
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from scipy import optimize


from sklearn import linear_model, svm, tree
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_predict, KFold, cross_val_score, \
                                    GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV, ShuffleSplit, StratifiedShuffleSplit
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
import xgboost as xgb

from time import time
from scipy.stats import randint as sp_randint

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from matplotlib.pylab import rcParams
from matplotlib import pyplot
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 4
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# def to compare goodness of fit on training set
def rmse(y_true, y_pred):
    return np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred))
In [3]:
# Utility function to report best scores
def report(results, n_top=3):
    for i in range(1, n_top + 1):
        candidates = np.flatnonzero(results['rank_test_score'] == i)
        for candidate in candidates:
            print("Model with rank: {0}".format(i))
            print("Mean validation score: {0:.3f} (std: {1:.3f})".format(
            print("Parameters: {0}".format(results['params'][candidate]))
In [4]:
# run randomized search
def random_search(regr, param_dist, n_iter_search): 
    rs = RandomizedSearchCV(regr, param_distributions=param_dist, scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error',
                                   n_jobs=-1, n_iter=n_iter_search, cv=kfold) #, verbose = 4)
    start = time(), y_train)
    print("RandomizedSearchCV took %.2f seconds for %d candidates"
      " parameter settings." % ((time() - start), n_iter_search))
In [5]:
# run single parameter search (for ridge or lasso)
def single_search(regr, params):
    regr_results_df = pd.DataFrame(dtype = 'float64')
    count = 0
    for k, v in params.items():
        for val in v:
            regr.set_params(**{k: val})
            regr_results_df.loc[count, k] = val
            results = cross_val_score(regr, x_train, y_train, cv=kfold, scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error')
            (regr_results_df.loc[count, 'RMSE'], regr_results_df.loc[count, 'std dev']) = \
                    (np.sqrt(-results.mean()), np.sqrt(results.std()))
            count += 1
    return regr_results_df
In [6]:
# test against validation set
def validate(regr):, y_train)
    y_pred = regr.predict(x_validation)
    return rmse(y_validation, y_pred)
In [7]:
# Cross-validation sets
kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=7)
In [8]:
df = pd.read_csv("./input/train_tidy_111001001.csv")
test_df = pd.read_csv("./input/test_tidy_111001001.csv")


In [13]:
(80, 347)

Only 80 of the houses in the training data have no garage. Let us set a baseline validation error for when we don't subset.

In [14]:
ss = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.20, random_state=71)

X = df.values

for train_idx, validation_idx in ss.split(X):
    train_df = df.iloc[train_idx]
    validation_df = df.iloc[validation_idx]
y_validation = validation_df['SalePrice'].values
x_validation = validation_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
y_train = train_df['SalePrice'].values
x_train = train_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
In [16]:
lassolarscv_regr = linear_model.LassoLarsCV()
baseline = validate(lassolarscv_regr)

Now we restrict to houses with a garage.

In [9]:
df_hasg = df[df['NoGarage']==0]
In [18]:
X = df_hasg.values

for train_idx, validation_idx in ss.split(X):
    train_df = df_hasg.iloc[train_idx]
    validation_df = df_hasg.iloc[validation_idx]
y_validation = validation_df['SalePrice'].values
x_validation = validation_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice'],axis=1).values
y_train = train_df['SalePrice'].values
x_train = train_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice'],axis=1).values
In [19]:
hasg = validate(lassolarscv_regr)
(hasg, hasg - baseline)
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 221 iterations, i.e. alpha=4.151e-05, with an active set of 181 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 1.490e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 247 iterations, i.e. alpha=2.892e-05, with an active set of 197 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 1.490e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 254 iterations, i.e. alpha=2.771e-05, with an active set of 200 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 1.825e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 254 iterations, i.e. alpha=2.746e-05, with an active set of 200 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 7.300e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 259 iterations, i.e. alpha=2.486e-05, with an active set of 203 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 7.300e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 263 iterations, alpha=2.321e-05, previous alpha=2.315e-05, with an active set of 206 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 141 iterations, i.e. alpha=8.526e-05, with an active set of 135 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.581e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 146 iterations, i.e. alpha=7.859e-05, with an active set of 140 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.581e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 170 iterations, alpha=5.532e-05, previous alpha=5.511e-05, with an active set of 163 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 167 iterations, i.e. alpha=6.800e-05, with an active set of 141 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.788e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 230 iterations, i.e. alpha=2.644e-05, with an active set of 188 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 1.825e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 353 iterations, alpha=6.103e-04, previous alpha=4.287e-06, with an active set of 252 regressors.
(0.10362720242916471, 0.0054884082851708454)

In this case, our validation error has increased. This could be due to sample size.


Let's examine the houses with basements. Only 37 houses have no basement.

In [20]:
(37, 347)
In [10]:
df_hasb = df[df['NoBasement']==0]
In [22]:
X = df_hasb.values

for train_idx, validation_idx in ss.split(X):
    train_df = df_hasb.iloc[train_idx]
    validation_df = df_hasb.iloc[validation_idx]
y_validation = validation_df['SalePrice'].values
x_validation = validation_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
y_train = train_df['SalePrice'].values
x_train = train_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
In [23]:
hasb = validate(lassolarscv_regr)
(hasb, hasb - baseline)
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 140 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.009e-04, with an active set of 128 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 3.650e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 178 iterations, i.e. alpha=5.851e-05, with an active set of 158 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 4.470e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 200 iterations, i.e. alpha=4.006e-05, with an active set of 176 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 4.829e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 210 iterations, i.e. alpha=3.301e-05, with an active set of 182 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 4.593e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 211 iterations, i.e. alpha=3.233e-05, with an active set of 183 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 4.593e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 214 iterations, alpha=3.090e-05, previous alpha=3.079e-05, with an active set of 185 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 312 iterations, i.e. alpha=8.733e-06, with an active set of 232 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.220e-16
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 346 iterations, alpha=9.811e-05, previous alpha=4.825e-06, with an active set of 241 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 107 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.652e-04, with an active set of 103 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.107e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 130 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.180e-04, with an active set of 126 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.107e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 134 iterations, alpha=1.137e-04, previous alpha=1.136e-04, with an active set of 129 regressors.
(0.11809107559831163, 0.019952281454317766)

Here, our validation error is even worse than in the garage case.

Garage and Basement

In [11]:
df_hasgb = df_hasg[df_hasg['NoBasement']==0]
(1345, 347)

1345 houses have both a garage and basement.

In [27]:
X = df_hasgb.values

for train_idx, validation_idx in ss.split(X):
    train_df = df_hasgb.iloc[train_idx]
    validation_df = df_hasgb.iloc[validation_idx]
y_validation = validation_df['SalePrice'].values
x_validation = validation_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice'],axis=1).values
y_train = train_df['SalePrice'].values
x_train = train_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice'],axis=1).values
In [28]:
hasgb = validate(lassolarscv_regr)
(hasgb, hasgb - baseline)
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 158 iterations, i.e. alpha=7.032e-05, with an active set of 136 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.980e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 169 iterations, i.e. alpha=5.851e-05, with an active set of 145 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 1.490e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 262 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.911e-05, with an active set of 212 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 8.689e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 315 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.139e-05, with an active set of 225 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 6.053e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 320 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.034e-05, with an active set of 230 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 6.053e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 320 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.020e-05, with an active set of 230 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 3.942e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 320 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.012e-05, with an active set of 230 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 5.373e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 320 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.008e-05, with an active set of 230 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 7.224e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 321 iterations, alpha=1.018e-05, previous alpha=1.006e-05, with an active set of 230 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 52 iterations, i.e. alpha=4.139e-04, with an active set of 52 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 7.885e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 151 iterations, i.e. alpha=9.623e-05, with an active set of 125 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 7.743e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 152 iterations, i.e. alpha=9.592e-05, with an active set of 126 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 7.743e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 152 iterations, i.e. alpha=9.588e-05, with an active set of 126 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 9.306e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 155 iterations, alpha=9.551e-05, previous alpha=9.523e-05, with an active set of 128 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 292 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.493e-05, with an active set of 206 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.980e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 313 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.144e-05, with an active set of 221 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.220e-16
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 329 iterations, i.e. alpha=8.915e-06, with an active set of 225 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.581e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 334 iterations, i.e. alpha=8.521e-06, with an active set of 228 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.581e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 337 iterations, alpha=8.207e-06, previous alpha=7.899e-06, with an active set of 230 regressors.
(0.090674318810134838, -0.007464475333859022)

This is a small improvement over the baseline. We will now work out a scheme to make a separate fit on this subset and then combine the predictions.

Modeling on Subsets

Let's store a dataframe that is the complement of df_hasgb.

In [12]:
df_nogorb = df[(df['NoGarage']==1) | (df['NoBasement']==1)]
(110, 347)

We'll build the validation set from the full dataset

In [30]:
X = df.values

for train_idx, validation_idx in ss.split(X):
    train_df = df.iloc[train_idx]
    validation_df = df.iloc[validation_idx]

We will split the training set

In [31]:
train_df_hasgb = train_df[(train_df['NoGarage']==0) & (train_df['NoBasement']==0)]
train_df_nogorb = train_df[(train_df['NoGarage']==1) | (train_df['NoBasement']==1)]

We need to fit models on the appropriate training data.

In [32]:
llcv_hasgb_regr = linear_model.LassoLarsCV()
llcv_nogorb_regr = linear_model.LassoLarsCV()
In [33]:
y_train_nogorb = train_df['SalePrice'].values
x_train_nogorb = train_df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
y_train_hasgb = train_df_hasgb['SalePrice'].values
x_train_hasgb = train_df_hasgb.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice'],axis=1).values
In [34]:, y_train_hasgb), y_train_nogorb)
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 358 iterations, alpha=6.045e-05, previous alpha=4.254e-06, with an active set of 245 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 251 iterations, i.e. alpha=2.428e-05, with an active set of 205 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.107e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 278 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.738e-05, with an active set of 212 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.107e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 327 iterations, i.e. alpha=7.510e-06, with an active set of 235 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.581e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 343 iterations, i.e. alpha=5.656e-06, with an active set of 243 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 5.960e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 346 iterations, i.e. alpha=5.615e-06, with an active set of 246 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.107e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 346 iterations, i.e. alpha=5.595e-06, with an active set of 246 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 5.960e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 346 iterations, i.e. alpha=5.546e-06, with an active set of 246 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 6.053e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 346 iterations, i.e. alpha=5.503e-06, with an active set of 246 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 7.300e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 347 iterations, alpha=5.327e-06, previous alpha=5.266e-06, with an active set of 246 regressors.
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 267 iterations, i.e. alpha=2.273e-05, with an active set of 195 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 1.825e-08
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Regressors in active set degenerate. Dropping a regressor, after 307 iterations, i.e. alpha=1.338e-05, with an active set of 217 regressors, and the smallest cholesky pivot element being 2.220e-16
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: Early stopping the lars path, as the residues are small and the current value of alpha is no longer well controlled. 353 iterations, alpha=2.000e-04, previous alpha=7.456e-06, with an active set of 236 regressors.
LassoLarsCV(copy_X=True, cv=None, eps=2.2204460492503131e-16,
      fit_intercept=True, max_iter=500, max_n_alphas=1000, n_jobs=1,
      normalize=True, positive=False, precompute='auto', verbose=False)
In [36]:
validation_df_hasgb = validation_df[(validation_df['NoGarage']==0) & (validation_df['NoBasement']==0)]
validation_df_nogorb = validation_df[(validation_df['NoGarage']==1) | (validation_df['NoBasement']==1)]
In [37]:
y_validation_nogorb = validation_df_nogorb['SalePrice'].values
x_validation_nogorb = validation_df_nogorb.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
y_validation_hasgb = validation_df_hasgb['SalePrice'].values
x_validation_hasgb = validation_df_hasgb.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice'],axis=1).values
In [38]:
y_pred_hasgb = llcv_hasgb_regr.predict(x_validation_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb = llcv_nogorb_regr.predict(x_validation_nogorb)
In [47]:
y_validation = np.append(y_validation_nogorb,y_validation_hasgb)
In [49]:
y_pred = np.append(y_pred_nogorb,y_pred_hasgb)
In [51]:
error = rmse(y_validation, y_pred) 
(error, error-baseline)
(0.097617740578592849, -0.00052105356540101122)

The improvement over the baseline is in line with the previous result.

Refitting on the Full Training Set

Before passing to the Kaggle test set, let's fit LassoLars models on the whole training data.

In [13]:
y_train_nogorb = df['SalePrice'].values
x_train_nogorb = df.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
y_train_hasgb = df_hasgb['SalePrice'].values
x_train_hasgb = df_hasgb.drop(['HouseId', 'SalePrice'],axis=1).values

LassoLars had the best results from our modeling experiments, so we'll continue using it, but we'll hand tune the L1 regularization parameter.

In [14]:
x_train = x_train_nogorb
y_train = y_train_nogorb
In [55]:
lassolars_regr = linear_model.LassoLars(max_iter=50000)
lassolars_params = {'alpha': np.arange(0.00008, 0.00014, 0.00001).tolist()}
lassolars_df = single_search(lassolars_regr, lassolars_params)
lassolars_df.plot(x = ['alpha'], y = ['RMSE'])
lassolars_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
alpha RMSE std dev
5 0.00013000000000000002 0.10502000092254368258 0.05461958043298760501
4 0.00012000000000000000 0.10477200102536989024 0.05451735550256560370
3 0.00011000000000000000 0.10454164113773441180 0.05449536807608087313
0 0.00008000000000000001 0.10442676026475859741 0.05431687940797252229
2 0.00010000000000000000 0.10440270056663149278 0.05445563223384845830
1 0.00009000000000000001 0.10437857300346860268 0.05437406755388812102
In [15]:
ll_nogorb_regr = linear_model.LassoLars(alpha=0.00009, max_iter=50000)
In [57]:
x_train = x_train_hasgb
y_train = y_train_hasgb
In [60]:
lassolars_regr = linear_model.LassoLars(max_iter=50000)
lassolars_params = {'alpha': np.arange(0.00004, 0.00011, 0.00001).tolist()}
lassolars_df = single_search(lassolars_regr, lassolars_params)
lassolars_df.plot(x = ['alpha'], y = ['RMSE'])
lassolars_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
alpha RMSE std dev
0 0.00004000000000000000 0.10059995082499828545 0.05240906069643299497
1 0.00005000000000000000 0.10019881333907293408 0.05211395398664721984
6 0.00009999999999999999 0.10003418914599260248 0.05103147483232799153
2 0.00006000000000000000 0.09996341452685413020 0.05193133207806619606
5 0.00008999999999999999 0.09988665339497991569 0.05123906613469816212
3 0.00006999999999999999 0.09983026887293371121 0.05172378798250429344
4 0.00007999999999999999 0.09981009551691903681 0.05150360372597920927
In [16]:
ll_hasgb_regr = linear_model.LassoLars(alpha=0.00008, max_iter=50000)
In [17]:, y_train_hasgb)
LassoLars(alpha=8e-05, copy_X=True, eps=2.2204460492503131e-16,
     fit_intercept=True, fit_path=True, max_iter=50000, normalize=True,
     positive=False, precompute='auto', verbose=False)
In [22]:
lassolars_features = zip(df_hasgb.drop(['HouseId','SalePrice'],axis=1).columns, ll_hasgb_regr.coef_)
lassolars_features_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lassolars_features)
lassolars_features_df.columns = ["Feature", "Coeff"]
lassolars_features_df = lassolars_features_df[lassolars_features_df["Coeff"]!=0]
lassolars_features_df["sort_ind"] = abs(lassolars_features_df["Coeff"])
lassolars_features_df = lassolars_features_df.sort_values(by="sort_ind", ascending = False)
lassolars_features_df = lassolars_features_df.drop('sort_ind', 1)
In [23]:
Feature Coeff
339 AreasSum 0.38203891676775314501
83 OverallQual 0.37208623725056499953
166 GrLivArea 0.36514422311452221503
338 AllSizesSumLin 0.30674465472866635496
172 KitchenAbvGr -0.29380727026738667762
340 LivArea 0.28408310389312485533
84 OverallCond 0.22527445550683075637
319 AgeLin 0.14541605921650005429
12 MSZoning.C..all. -0.14186218297738265037
341 LivAreaWt 0.14024849690939039659
337 AllSizesSum 0.12535093528640242622
315 TotalHouseArea 0.11422870091252521063
19 Street.Grvl -0.11136687838007426621
43 Neighborhood.Crawfor 0.08831350502507637201
199 GarageCars 0.08769963330621105557
310 SaleConditionnums 0.08423307291127757335
269 OverallCondcat.3 -0.07440530435462798520
158 TotalBsmtSF 0.06857230976166193981
94 Exterior1st.BrkFace 0.06852314104850425192
301 GarageQualnums 0.06385758985932980802
182 Functional.Typ 0.06034860891162399654
250 MSZoningordered 0.05673899257546023700
317 TotalBath 0.05527918642695453522
92 RoofMatl.WdShngl 0.05328119893264381818
165 LowQualFinSF -0.05299832733043109007
344 HasPool 0.05236639754201384556
328 DeckPorchLin 0.04794471242621012319
67 Condition1.RRAe -0.04729625757729331859
215 ScreenPorch 0.04689512122540632350
288 BsmtFinType2nums 0.04682011685998063028
... ... ...
162 HeatingQC.TA -0.00600292380765290404
299 GarageFinishnums 0.00597774538842506774
194 GarageType.CarPort -0.00582933270791539254
125 ExterCond.Gd -0.00566995753598095557
97 Exterior1st.MetalSd 0.00531585415224704143
51 Neighborhood.NPkVill 0.00508495385862482545
74 BldgType.Twnhs -0.00507277053134598793
300 BadGarageQ -0.00497534351962451889
210 PavedDrive.Y 0.00483226479057436396
246 SaleCondition.Family -0.00482324152157609549
42 Neighborhood.CollgCr -0.00453139841581778197
204 GarageCond.Fa -0.00410164434146405733
120 ExterQual.Ex 0.00403133571395120505
316 X1stLin 0.00368567853148967037
258 BldgTypenums 0.00363549139918178683
238 YrSold.2009 -0.00355125977085870171
284 BsmtQualnums 0.00349065630319747404
189 FireplaceQu.TA 0.00154247127510582214
278 Exterior1stnums 0.00147510223349811825
243 SaleType.WD -0.00146998037000746246
170 HalfBath 0.00144880749656315375
237 YrSold.2008 0.00114787780720192537
129 Foundation.PConc 0.00105538090764186712
263 OverallQualcat.6 -0.00058703702868185257
227 MoSold.5 0.00048029186197169453
53 Neighborhood.NWAmes -0.00044615187478475314
138 BsmtCond.TA 0.00024411976884789895
146 BsmtFinType1.LwQ -0.00020469816192986327
101 Exterior1st.Wd.Sdng -0.00018201128128712151
135 BsmtQual.TA -0.00012498171522077949

121 rows × 2 columns

In [24]:, y_train_nogorb)
LassoLars(alpha=9e-05, copy_X=True, eps=2.2204460492503131e-16,
     fit_intercept=True, fit_path=True, max_iter=50000, normalize=True,
     positive=False, precompute='auto', verbose=False)
In [25]:
lassolars_features = zip(df_nogorb.drop(['HouseId','SalePrice'],axis=1).columns, ll_nogorb_regr.coef_)
lassolars_features_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lassolars_features)
lassolars_features_df.columns = ["Feature", "Coeff"]
lassolars_features_df = lassolars_features_df[lassolars_features_df["Coeff"]!=0]
lassolars_features_df["sort_ind"] = abs(lassolars_features_df["Coeff"])
lassolars_features_df = lassolars_features_df.sort_values(by="sort_ind", ascending = False)
lassolars_features_df = lassolars_features_df.drop('sort_ind', 1)
In [26]:
Feature Coeff
339 AreasSum 0.41012986677174911865
83 OverallQual 0.38029700075745137555
341 LivAreaWt 0.33945587604751142896
338 AllSizesSumLin 0.33254889039200191680
84 OverallCond 0.23686755533717973599
340 LivArea 0.20250088266719520891
166 GrLivArea 0.18220243937436783610
172 KitchenAbvGr -0.18064891385722950390
318 Age -0.12059888776177191128
310 SaleConditionnums 0.09528796766179176148
317 TotalBath 0.08647413047258059593
315 TotalHouseArea 0.08028871245484425767
254 Neighborhoodbins 0.07938361226319315400
43 Neighborhood.Crawfor 0.07925816879857908170
19 Street.Grvl -0.07734780837406431131
12 MSZoning.C..all. -0.07216101385504004873
94 Exterior1st.BrkFace 0.07094575836955732684
199 GarageCars 0.06981996756330530185
182 Functional.Typ 0.06490860996490843693
335 X2ndLin 0.06018976473857225173
319 AgeLin 0.05856737108137240189
250 MSZoningordered 0.05808022306008019109
269 OverallCondcat.3 -0.05519059881244117727
183 Fireplaces 0.05447695398835276925
213 EnclosedPorch 0.05234289602728506990
289 NoGasHeat -0.05066963782759222046
92 RoofMatl.WdShngl 0.04957218501459173532
67 Condition1.RRAe -0.04672613422583464515
337 AllSizesSum 0.04648747046125077664
316 X1stLin 0.04532811865967258103
... ... ...
276 OverallCondBad -0.00877603957704959324
286 BsmtExposurenums 0.00860170293077381840
307 SummerSale 0.00859786135981676324
33 LotConfig.FR2 -0.00808752233326170793
145 BsmtFinType1.GLQ 0.00799512416971517523
159 HeatingQC.Ex 0.00768061897857217658
118 MasVnrType.Stone 0.00724134418433864443
299 GarageFinishnums 0.00717655892150366979
288 BsmtFinType2nums 0.00686638047288496128
53 Neighborhood.NWAmes -0.00663175716613170416
71 BldgType.1Fam 0.00621324976807821269
101 Exterior1st.Wd.Sdng -0.00542662651883369252
151 BsmtFinType2.BLQ -0.00534546391590985052
37 LandSlope.Sev -0.00532419500996237673
167 BsmtFullBath 0.00386497016676870140
255 GoodNeighborhood 0.00358871932030799083
120 ExterQual.Ex 0.00340943088806750557
170 HalfBath 0.00335545649633277971
126 ExterCond.TA 0.00321400772736407311
48 Neighborhood.Mitchel -0.00271815000764495359
5 MSSubClass.70 0.00210131115542245162
320 VNewSale 0.00147726577789808185
263 OverallQualcat.6 -0.00107745415919512154
238 YrSold.2009 -0.00095659607035812751
20 Alley.Grvl -0.00090687309703279303
209 PavedDrive.P -0.00061658754332563008
181 Functional.Mod -0.00028807649050802581
204 GarageCond.Fa -0.00026729766302698683
127 Foundation.BrkTil -0.00014352873035287179
243 SaleType.WD -0.00011335417574481567

98 rows × 2 columns

Making Predictions on the Test Set

We want to be able to reassemble subset predictions on the test set back into a dataframe matched on the correct HouseId.

In [110]:
test_df_hasgb = test_df[(test_df['NoGarage']==0) & (test_df['NoBasement']==0)].reset_index(drop=True)
test_df_nogorb = test_df[(test_df['NoGarage']==1) | (test_df['NoBasement']==1)].reset_index(drop=True)
In [89]:
x_test_nogorb = test_df_nogorb.drop(['HouseId', 'GarageAge', 'GarageAgeLin'],axis=1).values
x_test_hasgb = test_df_hasgb.drop(['HouseId'],axis=1).values
In [139]:
y_pred_hasgb = ll_hasgb_regr.predict(x_test_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb = ll_nogorb_regr.predict(x_test_nogorb)

y_pred_hasgb = np.exp(y_pred_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb = np.exp(y_pred_nogorb)
In [140]:
ids_hasgb = test_df_hasgb.loc[:,'HouseId'].tolist()
ids_nogorb = test_df_nogorb.loc[:,'HouseId'].tolist()
In [141]:
nogorb_preds = zip(ids_nogorb, y_pred_nogorb)
nogorb_preds_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nogorb_preds)
nogorb_preds_df.columns = ["HouseId", "SalePrice"]

hasgb_preds = zip(ids_hasgb, y_pred_hasgb)
hasgb_preds_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hasgb_preds)
hasgb_preds_df.columns = ["HouseId", "SalePrice"]
In [142]:
preds_df = pd.concat([nogorb_preds_df,hasgb_preds_df]).sort_values('HouseId').set_index('HouseId')
In [144]:
preds_df.to_csv('subset_output-111001001.csv', header=True, index_label='Id')

This results in an error of 0.11998 on the public leaderboard, for a position of 936th on 2/20/17.

Blending with XGBoost and MLP

We can try to do a bit better by fitting XGBoost and MLP regressors to the data and making additional predictions.


In [145]:
x_train = x_train_nogorb
y_train = y_train_nogorb
In [161]:
xgb_regr = xgb.XGBRegressor(
    max_depth = 3, 
    min_child_weight = 6.25,
    gamma = 0.0005,
    subsample = 0.4,
    colsample_bytree = 0.3,
    reg_alpha = 0.1,
    reg_lambda = 3.25, 
    learning_rate = 0.06,
    n_estimators = 500,
    seed = 42,
    nthread = -1,
    silent = 1)
xgb_params = {'max_depth': np.arange(1, 9, 1).tolist()}
xgb_df = single_search(xgb_regr, xgb_params)
xgb_df.plot(x = ['max_depth'], y = ['RMSE'])
xgb_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
max_depth RMSE std dev
0 1.0 0.11488772707413609508 0.05255567374183525708
7 8.0 0.11371224098954894888 0.05076517862737173897
6 7.0 0.11218566353463792218 0.05200902529169261490
4 5.0 0.11217345446732565617 0.05386252862767619554
3 4.0 0.11216396517572302383 0.05574826149357729743
5 6.0 0.11197797475206651419 0.05149344352390237967
1 2.0 0.11122383231362803491 0.05480122217021001635
2 3.0 0.11022172069205109224 0.05589942710242555568
In [206]:
xgb_nogorb_regr = xgb.XGBRegressor(
    max_depth = 3, 
    min_child_weight = 6.25,
    gamma = 0.0005,
    subsample = 0.4,
    colsample_bytree = 0.3,
    reg_alpha = 0.1,
    reg_lambda = 3.25, 
    learning_rate = 0.06,
    n_estimators = 500,
    seed = 42,
    nthread = -1,
    silent = 1)
In [163]:
x_train = x_train_hasgb
y_train = y_train_hasgb
In [179]:
xgb_regr = xgb.XGBRegressor(
    max_depth = 2, 
    min_child_weight = 1,
    gamma = 0.001,
    subsample = 0.7,
    colsample_bytree = 0.105,
    reg_alpha = 0.35,
    reg_lambda = 2.5, 
    learning_rate = 0.06,
    n_estimators = 800,
    seed = 42,
    nthread = -1,
    silent = 1)
xgb_params = {'max_depth': np.arange(1, 6, 1).tolist()}
xgb_df = single_search(xgb_regr, xgb_params)
xgb_df.plot(x = ['max_depth'], y = ['RMSE'])
xgb_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
max_depth RMSE std dev
4 5.0 0.10883609827841995987 0.05650128996558657218
0 1.0 0.10834593098883134321 0.05272099918629982035
3 4.0 0.10774888950454976355 0.05511519880076833772
2 3.0 0.10545443900161750872 0.05353276962508877329
1 2.0 0.10531475929466539709 0.05179772584662591800
In [207]:
xgb_hasgb_regr = xgb.XGBRegressor(
    max_depth = 2, 
    min_child_weight = 1,
    gamma = 0.001,
    subsample = 0.7,
    colsample_bytree = 0.105,
    reg_alpha = 0.35,
    reg_lambda = 2.5, 
    learning_rate = 0.06,
    n_estimators = 800,
    seed = 42,
    nthread = -1,
    silent = 1)
In [208]:, y_train_nogorb), y_train_hasgb)
XGBRegressor(base_score=0.5, colsample_bylevel=1, colsample_bytree=0.105,
       gamma=0.001, learning_rate=0.06, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=2,
       min_child_weight=1, missing=None, n_estimators=800, nthread=-1,
       objective='reg:linear', reg_alpha=0.35, reg_lambda=2.5,
       scale_pos_weight=1, seed=42, silent=1, subsample=0.7)

Multilevel Perceptron

In [181]:
x_train = x_train_nogorb
y_train = y_train_nogorb
In [190]:
mlp_regr = MLPRegressor(activation='relu', solver='lbfgs', random_state=641,
                        hidden_layer_sizes=(9, ),
mlp_params = {'max_iter': np.arange(25, 325, 25).tolist()}
# mlp_params = {'tol': np.logspace(-4, -2, 11).tolist()}
mlp_df = single_search(mlp_regr, mlp_params)
mlp_df.plot(x = ['max_iter'], y = ['RMSE'])
mlp_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
max_iter RMSE std dev
0 25.0 0.29908575000819082046 0.11876997154703844428
1 50.0 0.17027111420756918525 0.08401653573108444628
2 75.0 0.14160940084410589268 0.05309303777329380664
3 100.0 0.13201830812713336027 0.05505191691268000037
4 125.0 0.12591422120061823708 0.05796863529395872988
5 150.0 0.12240037662874428404 0.05703646879461149455
6 175.0 0.12032256765074218763 0.05743404362097773164
7 200.0 0.11850118164847837920 0.05884209209803563378
8 225.0 0.11746927908339496738 0.05691106611736058973
11 300.0 0.11681115631010186018 0.05580812164061162151
10 275.0 0.11666785735773452237 0.05653369508510919239
9 250.0 0.11664805886501329601 0.05620171914944805530
In [191]:
mlp_nogorb_regr = MLPRegressor(activation='relu', solver='lbfgs', random_state=641,
                        hidden_layer_sizes=(9, ),
In [192]:
x_train = x_train_hasgb
y_train = y_train_hasgb
In [199]:
mlp_regr = MLPRegressor(activation='relu', solver='lbfgs', random_state=641,
                        hidden_layer_sizes=(2, ),
mlp_params = {'max_iter': np.arange(300, 425, 25).tolist()}
# mlp_params = {'tol': np.logspace(-4, -2, 11).tolist()}
mlp_df = single_search(mlp_regr, mlp_params)
mlp_df.plot(x = ['max_iter'], y = ['RMSE'])
mlp_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
max_iter RMSE std dev
1 325.0 0.10838442045677380843 0.04999417370911652531
2 350.0 0.10835197894790828121 0.04960519603978941205
3 375.0 0.10832544819565829985 0.05016212261699106584
4 400.0 0.10830031803423005587 0.05009830056326205344
0 300.0 0.10822575373262892373 0.04993408625363403297
In [200]:
mlp_hasgb_regr = MLPRegressor(activation='relu', solver='lbfgs', random_state=641,
                        hidden_layer_sizes=(2, ),
In [203]:, y_train_nogorb), y_train_hasgb)
MLPRegressor(activation='relu', alpha=0.0005, batch_size='auto', beta_1=0.9,
       beta_2=0.999, early_stopping=False, epsilon=1e-08,
       hidden_layer_sizes=(2,), learning_rate='constant',
       learning_rate_init=0.001, max_iter=300, momentum=0.9,
       nesterovs_momentum=True, power_t=0.5, random_state=641,
       shuffle=True, solver='lbfgs', tol=0.0004, validation_fraction=0.1,
       verbose=False, warm_start=False)

Blending Predictions

In [211]:
y_pred_hasgb_ll = ll_hasgb_regr.predict(x_test_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb_ll = ll_nogorb_regr.predict(x_test_nogorb)

y_pred_hasgb_xgb = xgb_hasgb_regr.predict(x_test_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb_xgb = xgb_nogorb_regr.predict(x_test_nogorb)

y_pred_hasgb_mlp = mlp_hasgb_regr.predict(x_test_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb_mlp = mlp_nogorb_regr.predict(x_test_nogorb)

We will weight the predictions according to the cross-validation errors.

In [213]:
y_pred_hasgb = (y_pred_hasgb_ll / 0.0998 + y_pred_hasgb_xgb / 0.1053 
                + y_pred_hasgb_mlp / 0.1082) / (1 / 0.0998 + 1 / 0.1053 + 1 / 0.1082)

y_pred_nogorb = (y_pred_nogorb_ll / 0.1044 + y_pred_nogorb_xgb / 0.11022
                + y_pred_nogorb_mlp / 0.1166) / (1 / 0.1044 + 1 / 0.11022 + 1 / 0.1166)

y_pred_hasgb = np.exp(y_pred_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb = np.exp(y_pred_nogorb)
In [214]:
ids_hasgb = test_df_hasgb.loc[:,'HouseId'].tolist()
ids_nogorb = test_df_nogorb.loc[:,'HouseId'].tolist()
In [215]:
nogorb_preds = zip(ids_nogorb, y_pred_nogorb)
nogorb_preds_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nogorb_preds)
nogorb_preds_df.columns = ["HouseId", "SalePrice"]

hasgb_preds = zip(ids_hasgb, y_pred_hasgb)
hasgb_preds_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hasgb_preds)
hasgb_preds_df.columns = ["HouseId", "SalePrice"]
In [216]:
preds_df = pd.concat([nogorb_preds_df,hasgb_preds_df]).sort_values('HouseId').set_index('HouseId')
In [217]:
preds_df.to_csv('subset_blend_output-111001001.csv', header=True, index_label='Id')

This yielded a 0.12211 error on the public leaderboard, which was a worse result. This is likely due to comparably larger variance of the XGB and MLP results, as evidenced by the cross-validation error on the training set.

Elastic Net

Since the tree and NN models didn't seem to do so well, it might be useful to blend with a different linear model to reduce some variance error. The Elastic Net was the 2nd performer behind LassoLars, so it is a natural choice.

In [218]:
x_train = x_train_nogorb
y_train = y_train_nogorb
In [220]:
elnet_regr = linear_model.ElasticNet(alpha=0.0006, l1_ratio=0.5, max_iter=15000, random_state=7)
# elnet_params = {'alpha': np.arange(0.0001, 0.0008, 0.0001).tolist()}
elnet_params = {'l1_ratio': np.arange(0.1, 1, 0.1).tolist()}
elnet_df = single_search(elnet_regr, elnet_params)
# elnet_df.plot(x = ['alpha'], y = ['RMSE'])
elnet_df.plot(x = ['l1_ratio'], y = ['RMSE'])
elnet_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
l1_ratio RMSE std dev
0 0.10000000000000000555 0.10851441945455396476 0.05413143050096031611
1 0.20000000000000001110 0.10728474594484239957 0.05386529258550314114
8 0.90000000000000002220 0.10677573306873749948 0.05462062717498383790
2 0.30000000000000004441 0.10658991974316117668 0.05436056546318008414
7 0.80000000000000004441 0.10654155398039166780 0.05440054091832015326
6 0.70000000000000006661 0.10640772203929935169 0.05440402587124221895
5 0.59999999999999997780 0.10624516806587051831 0.05449819966729742976
3 0.40000000000000002220 0.10624420846737654689 0.05456913585266731648
4 0.50000000000000000000 0.10613032091837604209 0.05463493466604369547
In [221]:
elnet_nogorb_regr = linear_model.ElasticNet(alpha=0.0006, l1_ratio=0.5, max_iter=15000, random_state=7)
In [222]:
x_train = x_train_hasgb
y_train = y_train_hasgb
In [224]:
elnet_regr = linear_model.ElasticNet(alpha=0.00055, l1_ratio=0.5, max_iter=15000, random_state=7)
# elnet_params = {'alpha': np.arange(0.0001, 0.0008, 0.0001).tolist()}
elnet_params = {'l1_ratio': np.arange(0.1, 1, 0.1).tolist()}
elnet_df = single_search(elnet_regr, elnet_params)
# elnet_df.plot(x = ['alpha'], y = ['RMSE'])
elnet_df.plot(x = ['l1_ratio'], y = ['RMSE'])
elnet_df.sort_values(['RMSE'], ascending = False)
l1_ratio RMSE std dev
0 0.10000000000000000555 0.10418421666937850711 0.05469609801152416906
1 0.20000000000000001110 0.10273089514678607204 0.05402554780477002161
8 0.90000000000000002220 0.10223977863273230049 0.05206325867923050632
2 0.30000000000000004441 0.10217706811620841378 0.05366037318939575335
7 0.80000000000000004441 0.10196980875921866916 0.05216762989931308242
3 0.40000000000000002220 0.10177937192376577957 0.05342817653819182527
6 0.70000000000000006661 0.10170226307969326696 0.05240252934473502155
4 0.50000000000000000000 0.10155105846001494241 0.05315452999554833025
5 0.59999999999999997780 0.10153176104932667978 0.05269982983783803865
In [225]:
elnet_hasgb_regr = linear_model.ElasticNet(alpha=0.00055, l1_ratio=0.6, max_iter=15000, random_state=7)
In [226]:, y_train_nogorb), y_train_hasgb)
ElasticNet(alpha=0.00055, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.6,
      max_iter=15000, normalize=False, positive=False, precompute=False,
      random_state=7, selection='cyclic', tol=0.0001, warm_start=False)
In [227]:
y_pred_hasgb_elnet = elnet_hasgb_regr.predict(x_test_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb_elnet = elnet_nogorb_regr.predict(x_test_nogorb)
In [228]:
y_pred_hasgb = (y_pred_hasgb_ll / 0.0998 + y_pred_hasgb_elnet  / 0.1015 ) / (1 / 0.0998 + 1 / 0.1015)

y_pred_nogorb = (y_pred_nogorb_ll / 0.1044 + y_pred_nogorb_elnet  / 0.1061) / (1 / 0.1044 + 1 / 0.1061)

y_pred_hasgb = np.exp(y_pred_hasgb)
y_pred_nogorb = np.exp(y_pred_nogorb)
In [229]:
nogorb_preds = zip(ids_nogorb, y_pred_nogorb)
nogorb_preds_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(nogorb_preds)
nogorb_preds_df.columns = ["HouseId", "SalePrice"]

hasgb_preds = zip(ids_hasgb, y_pred_hasgb)
hasgb_preds_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hasgb_preds)
hasgb_preds_df.columns = ["HouseId", "SalePrice"]
In [230]:
preds_df = pd.concat([nogorb_preds_df,hasgb_preds_df]).sort_values('HouseId').set_index('HouseId')
In [231]:
preds_df.to_csv('subset_linearblend_output-111001001.csv', header=True, index_label='Id')

This result gets 0.12049 on the public leaderboard, which is better than the multimodel blend above, but not as good as the original LassoLars entry.

In [ ]: